It was late I'd say around midnight my sister was staying with me and had turned in for the night. My daughter and I was alone down stares the tv was off and we was about to go to bed ourselfs.
All of a sudden i heard my sister yell for me three times straight in a row!
My heart fell because i knew something was wrong and i knew it was paranormal related. Things had been happening for several days the activity here was more then usual.
I looked at my daughter and said lets go up there together and all of a sudden before we even got up from the sofa there was this dark shadow very large that moved right across my wall it was so dark that it coverd my whole picture window and blocked the street light from coming in!
My daughter said,"Did you see that mommy?" I said yes and then we ran up stares and asked Kelly what was wrong. She looked at me and said can you tell your ghosts to leave me alone that i have to work in the morning? I kinda laughed because she said," your ghosts" I asked her what they was doing she said they was tugging at her covers and wouldn't stop! So i said kindly to them to please leave her alone that she needed her rest. Well nights came and passed and well lets say she sleaped alot better. Me?...Well they just like to bug me hope you enjoyed this short true story? If u liked it and want to hear more stories let me know, Leave a comment. Bye Connie